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Our Mission

Updated: May 13

We Stand in Support of the Continued Betterment of the World.

We at the Certified Life Coach Institute believe in and support freedom, equality for all, fair justice, positive progress, and love. As teachers and coaches, the foundation of what we do is based in learning, growth, and sharing that knowledge, so the minds and worlds of others can expand and new opportunities be discovered and created.

We believe in and empower people to take action and be accountable. We support the preservation of every human being’s right to be free to live the life they choose without fear, prejudice, shame, or violence. We have built a business model on the cornerstones of empathy, positivism, acceptance, and shared wisdom. It is in our shared wisdom that hope for change and a better world can be found.

We at Certified Life Coach Institute have hope for a better future and we will always support the ones who are brave enough, bold enough, crazy enough, and strong enough to create that change.


We believe in and encourage people to take action and be accountable. We promote the protection of all human beings. eggy car


Sabah Murtadha
Sabah Murtadha
Jun 17, 2020

Thank you brook, it was a lot of great information.I would love to work with business coaching as you mentioned as give back .

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