"Why aren't people converting?"
"What's my next step?"
"I don't know if this looks or sounds ok."
Are you feeling
frustrated or uncertain?
Get feedback from our expert in brand, marketing and business strategy?
You want to succeed. You want to take the right steps and find paying clients. You don't want to fail. Or perhaps you have already begun and you want better results and feedback.
Set up a strategy session with our brand, business, design and marketing expert. Brooke Adair Walters, MCPC, has over 20 years of experience working in the design, brand, marketing and business building space, and has also studied disruptive business strategy at Harvard Business School.
You would be surprised how much we can do in 30 minutes.
Create a working marketing plan
Figure out your ideal client & niche
Analyze your SEO and searchability
Develop your brand strategy
Create a working social media plan
Plan your website build & next steps
Review your marketing, brand, copy, pricing, social media, SEO, website
Create copy that gets you clients
Give you the confidence and insight you need to start, grow and nurture your coaching business

How does it work?
Just click the link below to schedule a meeting
You will get 30 minutes alone with experts who build and design websites and brands, are SEO experts, write professionally, are social media and marketing gurus, own and operate successful and thriving businesses, build start-up businesses, are award-winning content creators and
brand, market & partner with successful coaches.
This special $99 offer is made only to CLCI alumni
from Cunning Marketing LLC
30 minute